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Legal Mentions

Copyright & Property

Status : The Pilot Duty's Apartment - Private Society
Prefix : Apartment Rental
Name : The Pilot Duty's Apartment


Website designer : Slowely

Website Owner : Marc-André Kinny
Publication director : Anasthasia Duss
The publication director is a moral person


Disclaimers & recommendations


This web site may include links to external web sites (websites not owned and/or operated by The Pilot Duty). When you follow such links, the external web site may appear as a full screen (in which case you will need to use the back button on your browser to return to this web site) or in some cases it may appear within the frame of this web site (in which case you will be able to return to this web site by using the navigation buttons within the frame).


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These links are provided in order to help you find relevant web sites, services and/or products which may be of interest to you quickly and easily. It is your responsibility to decide whether any services and/or products available through any of these web sites are suitable for your purposes.


The Pilot Duty is not responsible for the owners or operators of these web sites or for any goods or services they supply or for the content of their web sites and does not give or enter into any conditions, warranties or other terms or representations in relation to any of these or accept any liability in relation to any of these (including any liability arising out of any claim that the content of any external web site to which this web site includes a link infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party).


All information or advice provided as part of this web site is intended to be general in nature and you should not rely on it in connection with the making of any decision. The Pilot Duty tries to ensure that all information provided as part of this web site is correct at the time of inclusion on the web site but does not guarantee the accuracy of such information.


The Pilot Duty is not liable for any action you may take as a result of relying on such information or advice or for any loss or damage suffered by you as a result of you taking this action.


Terms and conditions

Copyright and trademark notice


This web site contains material including text, photographs, movies, PDF files and other images and sound, which is protected by copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. All copyright and other intellectual property rights in this material are either owned by The Pilot Duty or have been licensed to it by the owner(s) of those rights so that it can use this material as part of this web site. This web site also contains trademarks. All trademarks included on this web site belong to The Pilot Duty or have been licensed to it by the owner(s) of those trademarks for use on this web site.


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Privacy notices


At The Pilot Duty, we intend to give you as much control as possible over your personal information. In general, you can visit our web sites without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. There are times, however, when we may need information from you, such as your name and email address.


It is our intent to let you know before we collect personal information from you on the Internet. If you choose to give us personal information via the Internet that we may need — to correspond with you or provide you with a subscription, for example — it is our intent to let you know how we will use such information. If you tell us that you do not wish to have this information used as a basis for further contact with you, we will respect your wishes.


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Who is responsible for the personal information collected on this site?


The Pilot Duty controls the personal data collected on this site. We collect and use personal information (including name, address, telephone number and email) in order to :
• respond to queries or requests submitted by you
• process bookings and requests submitted by you
• anticipate and resolve problems with any goods or services supplied to you


We will not disclose any personally identifiable information without your permission unless we are legally entitled or required to do so (for example, if required to do so by legal process or for the purposes of prevention of fraud or other crime) or if we believe that such action is necessary to protect and/or defend our rights, property or personal safety and those of our users/customers etc.


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